What is Heritage?

What is Heritage?

We mention often about the status of the breeds and species we work on, mainly because it is important. About 85% of our animals are Heritage animals that are listed from critical to study status according to the Livestock Conservancy. What does this mean? 

Heritage animals were once the common traditional animal on a farm and homestead. With the mass production of commercial animals, the older breeds we once knew, are slowly leaving us. 

There are different definitions for each species of animal that are on the list. We raise heritage chickens, turkeys, rabbits, and pigs that are on the list. To find out more information on the definition, the Livestock Conservancy has really defined it well, therefore there is no need for us to explain, however we will summarize it. Basically, the animal has to mate naturally, be apart of APA (if a chicken) and you should be able to record the lines and several generations of the lines, longer livespan, be able to adapt to environment and retain vigor, and have a slow growth rate. 

We recommend you becoming a member to this wonderful organization and help us and many breeders and conservationists, to help preserve these breeds,  in order for the future generations to experience them and to keep producing genetically vigorous stock. 


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