Cotton Patch Geese

The Cotton Patch Goose

The Cotton Patch Goose is a beautiful domestic goose that got its name by the job it used to perform, cotton picking. This smaller built breed of goose used to help farmers weed their cotton and corn fields until the 1950s, and were a wonderful source of meat and eggs to families during the Great Depression. Going as far back in time, this goose was hardy and did its job well. 

Currently, the Cotton Patch is critical status on the Livestock Conservancy list, and needs more people involved to keep the purity of this goose but also to keep it going. We have 2 lines here on the homestead, Walker and James line, kept separate to keep the purity of the lines. There are other lines, however the two mentioned are the most well known.  The Cotton patch does fly, therefore keeping wings clipped is important. 

A bonus of owning this goose is that they are sex-linked, therefore you can tell the genders of the goslings at hatch. 

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