Guinea Fowl

Guinea Fowl

Guinea Fowl are known as the guard birds of the bird world. Originating from Africa, the birds are very heat tolerant and a wonderful chemical free pest control to have. They do very well free range on the homestead and produce lots of eggs. Although they are noisy, they do set off an alarm if something unusual is occurring, usually a predator or intruder. They eat ticks and bugs. 

Guinea Fowl are seasonal producers, laying in the spring time and ending in mid summer. Their eggs are pear shaped and really hard. You can eat the eggs but you will need a hammer to crack them. The Guinea hens can hatch their own young, however they do not make the best mothers. Artificial brooding is the better choice when it comes to successfully raising them. 

Guinea fowl come in many colors, however we have found the darker the color the better when free ranging. We raise the Royal Purple variety, pied and white. The lighter colors are penned to avoid predator attacks. We raise our Royal Purple Guinea fowl free range.