

Raising healthy animals is very important to us, especially since many lines we are working on would have been lost if we did not continue working on them. With our NPIP status and the different animals species we raise, it is very important to practice biosecurity.

What is Biosecurity?

Biosecurity simply means that you practice procedures that protect animals and humans from disease or biologicial agents.

The more advanced definition of biosecurity is defined by EPA and USDA as “Biosecurity is the protection of agricultural animals from any type of infectious agent — viral, bacterial, fungal, or parasitic. People can spread diseases as they move within a facility and from one facility to another. Animals or equipment introduced into a facility can bring pathogens with them. Among the many biosecurity procedures that can prevent these types of disease transmission are such measures as use of protective clothing, waiting periods for new animals and visitors, and cleaning.”

Many poultry diseases are contracted by tires and shoes, unfortunately. When you go to the feedstore, zoo, other farms, you track the risk with you. Many diseases are treatable, but not curable, sometimes destroying an entire flock. With some heritage lines, this is not an option for us to start over if this happens as many lines we carry are the truest form and we cannot have that contaminated. 

Although Biosecurity sounds scary, it really isn’t. When new arrivals come, we quarantine for 30 days at least and recommend you practice this with any new animal you bring in as well.

Do remember to wash your hands and change your clothes when handling various species. Chickens and Waterfowl tend to carry many diseases which can transfer to your game birds if you own them. If you do not have the time to do that, make sure you handle your game birds first and then the others. Good Animal husbandry is also a key to disease prevention!

As for our customers, we understand how exciting a farm is and we work hard sharing our experiences and knowledge with you. For the safety of our animals, we do not have visitors other than those who come to inspect for our licenses. We are working on a more bio secure way for our farm pick ups. This will be our Stellar Market Farm Stand. Pick ups will be at the front of our location at the stand. We hope for infrastructure to be completed by the end of the year just in time for our popular Spring season. 

error: Copyright Stellar Game Birds, Poultry, Waterfowl LLC
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